5 question Friday
1. How much time do you spend on the computer a day? On an average day, I will spend about an hour and a half on the computer. (Not all in one sitting of course but.....)
2. Will you pay for your children's college or raise them to pay for their own way? A combination of both. We have already started a savings account for each of them that we put money into each payday. They can use this and then whatever else is not covered is on them. We are definitely the "appreciate what you earn and learn" kind of parents.
3. Have you ever been in a car accident? Unfortunately yes. None of them were ever so bad that I was injured though Praise God!
4. What is your favorite book? Just one?! That is no fair! I have such a wide variety of reading material that I don't think that I could pick just one! Right now I am reading....."The Shack", "Romans", "Life on Planet Mom", "10 Minute Marriage Principles", "Breaking Free", and "Always looking up".
5. Do you make your bed everyday? Nope. I try to remember though because it does make the room look so much more tidy!
For more check out Mama M at
Fill-in the blank Friday
1. The best day ever was actually 3 days. The first was the day that I married my Benny. God was really looking after me when he sent Ben into my life. The second was the day that Kendall was safely born. The third was the day that Isaac came into this world.
2. My favorite meal of the day is supper. I love getting creative with food. (I cannot wait to try more elaborate things when the kids are older!)
3. This weekend will be a blast. We have Ben to ourselves on weekends and we always have fun stuff to do! (Plus Ben has Mon/Tues/Wed off of work so we can tackle house projects before he leaves!)
4. Never in my life have I been sky diving. I wish we could have done that before we had kids. Now I fear that I will leave them mohterless!
5. The only thing better than donuts is a ho-ho. Recovering sweet-a-holic here!
6. I could really do with a cure for allergies. (Esp. since Jacksonville is so filled with pollen!!)
7. The most recent thing I bought myself was material so that I could sew a purse.
For more check out Lauren at
Jeremiah: Week 2 (Good Morning Girls Resources)
22 hours ago
1 comment:
I had problems with the favorite book question too!
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