Our little girl is definitely growing up! She LOVES Dora and Diego....mostly Diego. This has become a constant battle every day as she expects to be able to watch Diego whenever she wants. Our normal conversation goes something like this....
Kendall: Diego?
Me: Sorry honey, Diego isn't on right now.
Kendall: Here mommy. Remote. Diego now?
Me: Even though we have the remote Diego isn't on.
Kendall: No momma, remote, diego pleeeeeeaaaassseeee.
LOL. How do you argue with the fact that the remote is used to change channels and that you can find a lot of shows on? How does she know already that you can use the remote to find Diego? Oh to be in the mind of that little girl!
Jeremiah: Week 2 (Good Morning Girls Resources)
22 hours ago
Does Diego come on DVD?
It doesn't change when they are 4 you will have the same conversation.
Diego does come on dvd! I am hoping to get out in town (after Sunday) to get a few things from Isaac for Kendall! (including diego so she can see him! until then we have the dvr :-)!!)
Great so I still have a few more years of reasoning with a toddler huh?
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