Every parent knows that your child seems to grow in leaps and bounds.....we are no exception to this unspoken rule & how time seems to be passing us by so I decided to dedicate some time every now and then to all of the crazy antics that Kendall has been up to. Hence, Kendall Korner is created.
Kendall has been amazing us with her new vocabulary (both from us and other sources that we are unaware of!!) even though ALL of her teachers say how QUIET she is! (She talks non-stop to Ben and I so we find this quite amusing.)
Her new favorite sayings are "hurry, hurry" (said with an adorable little accent while pulling your hand), "I find it," "he's hiding," "find him," and my personal favorite "it's broke" followed by "you fix it."
She is really stringing lots of words together. It amazes me that she has gone from saying single words to putting 2 and 3 word sentences together.
She knows her animals and animal sounds quite well. Partly due to us and partly due to the animal dvd's that the Phadkes got her for Easter. Thanks Dr. Phadke!! We have been working on shapes with her and so far circle, flower, and square seems to be the ones that she recognizes the most. Ben has really been working on numbers with her but she doesn't seem to interested in it yet. Unless it is when I am counting to 3 when she is in trouble.....then she likes to say 2 as if I am counting for her own amusement.
Kendall has recently gotten into honking noses. She seems to think that this is the best thing in the world!
Another funny thing that she has picked up on is liking knuckle sandwiches. Ben will ask her if she wants a knuckle sandwich & she nods and starts to giggle. Sometimes if you catch her in the right mood she will say "knuckle" and give you a knuckle sandwich.
I taught her to say "EWWWWWW!" when she sees a spider. She is much more adorable than I am when she says it!
Mom and Dad brought my old toy box down over Easter. It doesn't have a lid so she has started climbing in it to hide alot. It is pretty cute! I think that it is fun to share things that I remember from my childhood with her. The toy box used to be my mom's & they repainted it and put the current stickers on it for my sister and I. As of right now, we really like the nostalgic feel of it so we are going to leave it as is for the time being.
Besides that, we are working on potty training as well. She loves to sit on her big girl potty & tells us immediately when she "poo-poos" in her diaper but she is still not putting together going on the potty!
That's about it for this episode of Kendall's Korner but stay tuned for more!!
Jeremiah: Week 2 (Good Morning Girls Resources)
22 hours ago
i like kendall's korner - more pleasseee!
I love this age, it is some new and fun everyday and it continues for a long time.
Newborns are wonderful, but from this age on it is such a happy joyous time.
Thanks girls! This age has been the best but then again I just keep saying that about every phase so I might not be trustworthy opinion on it! I am worried about going back to newborn stage now that Kendall is so independent but we will muddle through it again & best thing is Ben will actually be here this time :-)
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