1. Do you sing out loud in the car when you're driving? Yes, as long as the windows aren't down and until my kids tell me that I shouldn't just like we did with my mom!
2. What would you never be caught doing? Hmmm......a variety of things! I am going to go with a phrase that might raise some controversy but....."Don't ask, don't tell!"
3. Will you go #2 in a public restroom? ONLY in a dire emergency
4. Have you ever broken a bone? Pretty sure my foot one summer after a horse stepped on it
5. Do you prefer cooking or baking? BOTH!!
Happy Easter! And...here we go!
1. All you need is LOVE!
2. Ben, my children, my friends, dogs, and a lot of other things fills me with laughter.
3. Each generation, as it grows up, seems to feel more entitled than the last. (UNfortunately!)
4. Possibly moving in December is something I have a hard time dealing with.
5. A trip to Yuma, Arizona, to see my hubby is what I need.
6. Give of yourself and you get back.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to my parents being here, tomorrow my plans include Easter Egg hunt, Chick FIl A, and church and Sunday, I want to relax with my parents!
I love your #3 Fill In, and I totally agree!
I love singing in the car! Even with the windows down... LOL
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